Crisis Management

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Expertise is not enough for time-critical business contingencies: it's the ability to draw it all together at a moment's notice that counts in high operational and reputational risk situations

We recognize the critical role of zero-fault crisis management in many disaster, accident, fraud and similar adversities. Experience shows that in many crisis scenarios the management, the general or lead counsel, or the strategy and communications professional, frequently have one shot at making the right decisions. We are fit for the task of bringing instant key input to decision makers, assuring compliance, minimizing goodwill damage and preventing tactical exploitation by competitors.
With our rich experience in critical and high impact contentious and non-contentious matters, we combine subject matter expertise, analytical work processes, and a culture of simply working fast, to deliver the best possible combination of robust, compliant and efficient directions and solutions to a wide array of business-critical contingencies.
We have assisted clients with internal document and communication retention policies, as well as discovery and preservation actions, spanning such diverse areas as data protection, contractual and legal confidentiality, professional privilege and secrecy of communication.

Related tags:
Corporate & Commercial, Restructuring & Insolvency