Professional Ethics

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We apply strict and transparent practice standards in everything we do

We apply conflicts, professional conduct and anti-corruption standards and policies in all our transactions with external parties, including clients and potential clients, clients' counterparties, recruits, contracted attorneys and external experts.
Through regular proactive analysis of actual and perceived conflict, we spot early not only the legal, but also the ethical and business parameters critical to serving clients to the highest standard of ethics and professional integrity.
We apply explicit zero-tolerance policies towards corruption, whether in the marketplace or in the public sphere, and we share our clients’ costs to respond decisively when confronted with such circumstances.
We rely heavily on the value of recognizable professional and personal integrity, and enjoy the privilege of serving clients who embrace these values.
Finally, we consistently bring the resources, skills and insights of a modern organisation to the service of socially significant objectives, through volunteering, pro bono and charitable activities.